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My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support

My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support, I need advice
My addict, I think is asking to see his son by himself. He is still on meth and now has this girlfriend which is probably on meth too. My son is only 7 months old. I have not kept my son from him but I have always been there and do not plan on letting him take him alone. My question is, how can I prove he needs supervised visits? He pays no child support and was sentenced for manufacturing meth, but has gotten off on probation a month ago. I am going to ask him about giving up paternal rights but I am sure he will not do that. It scares me to death he would want to take my son alone...
Re: My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support, I need advice
Do you have any court orders regarding parental visitation?

He may when faced with child support be willing to give up his rights.
No, I would not under any circumstances allow my infant child to go with anyone on meth.
Re: My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support, I need advice
Are you married? Do you have any court orders in place? If you are married w/no orders get to the court house asap.
Re: My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support, I need advice
No court order with visitation. I know they told me he has a right even if he doesn't pay child support. So it has been filed and he will have back payment. So I doubt he will give up rights. He uses Braden when he wants to use something against me. He never asks about him or wants to see him unless he wants something from me. No we are not married
Re: My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support, I need advice
Is he on the birth certificate?
If paternity has not been legally established, since you were not married, he may or may not have visitation rights.

If there hasn't been any legal papers regarding visitation, then I agree, get a lawyer and file for supervised visitation.
If you are filing for child support in order to get government help, there is a place on the child support papers you can check if you feel endangered from the father.
If I remember correctly, the way that works is you have a hearing to determine danger- and if judged to be a risk, then it goes around him. As in you get the help you need without his involvement.

You definitely need some paper that is court ordered here.
Otherwise, you may not have a choice.
Re: My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support, I need advice
I take it he doesn't live w/you? Is he on the birth certificate?

Check your laws, but I believe it's as simple as telling him "no". I would however , get to your courthouse and file paperwork for both custody and support. They are two separate issues, but both need to be addressed.

He can't cuss spit freak-out all he wants; I presume if you were to say you'd call the police he's STFU?

good luck, and so sorry! keep your baby safe!
Re: My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support, I need advice
yes he is on the birth certificate but no legal test has been done. If so he will most 100% be the father. I am filing for child support but not because of government help or healthcare cards. My income is to high for WIC, etc. I don't know if I can prove danger in him. I have pictures of where he has left bruises on me before but I don't have a police report or anything.

I'm in KY. I have filed child support but not visitation. I guess I file it through the county attorney too? I thought if I didn't file child support he wouldn't have a right to see him but they informed me that was not the case.


Re: My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support, I need advice
I found this on an Illinois web site; all states have variances, but I'm thinking this line of thought is par for the boyfriend/girlfriend/child scenario...
My ex-boyfriend wants to see my child. Do I have to let him?

Unless your ex-boyfriend gets a paternity and visitation order, he does not have the right to force you to let him see the child. If you do not think he is a danger to the child, you might want him to visit, since most children benefit from contact with both parents. Also, seeing his child might encourage him to pay support.

If there is a court order setting out visitation, there are legal actions, including contempt of court and even possible criminal charges, which can be taken against a parent who denies the other visitation. If you start to believe that the man is a danger to the child, you need to go back to court as soon as possible to ask to have the order changed. Whether to allow visitation while you wait to get back into court is a difficult decision you should discuss with a lawyer.
Re: My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support, I need advice
Well I know Kentucky law.
His being on the birth certificate guarantees him the same rights as you unless otherwise established in court of law.
He has just as much rights to that baby as you do.

As in if you have your infant in daycare, he can come pick him up and leave and it isn't even kidnapping.
He can keep him for days on end- and there is nothing you can do.
Child support and custody are 2 separate issues.
Here , once on the birth certificate, paternity is established.
Get in court now and get it in writing.
You don't have a leg to stand on otherwise.
Re: My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support, I need advice
was in jail for manufacturing meth

So he has a record... I would think you have some leg to stand on in court.

From all that you've posted over the last few months. I can't imagine that he'll have the money or ambition to hire a lawyer and fight. Court makes tweekers uncomfortable ya know.

I'm thinking I wouldn't chance anything with my kid. I'd get the court orders necessary to protect him pronto.
Re: My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support, I need advice
You will have to have court orders.
I live in Kentucky, I do know this one.
Not a guess here, it is a fact.
blondie Re: My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support, I need advice
I would not care what I had to have legally or otherwise...there is no way on this planet that I would allow my baby to be with someone doing meth...
Re: My meth addict wants visitation rights and pays no child support, I need advice
Do a memo - letter to an attorney, when or if you get one. Write from your heart why you don't feel your child should be around his father. This could be submitted to the court for a Judge to review. My child's father's rights were taken away (not in KY) by the Judge. There were papers drawn up for him to agree on, and the Judge had the final say and he ruled to remove his rights based on the fact that he didn't pay any support and that he was abusive to me. Even though there was visiting orders in place, I went against them and would not let my child go because there was pot smoking and alcohol going on at the new bachelor pad that the child's father lived in. I tried letting him off the hook trading for all back support to be wiped off in place of a signed removal of rights, but he wouldn't do that. When the hearing was over, he disappeared out of thin air. He owed the state a lot of money, as I was getting aid at the time.

See also:

What happens to child support payments when the meth addict is in jail or gets out?

Crystal Meth and Methamphetamine effects on Children

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